Women Deliver maintains a zero tolerance policy for any physical, emotion, sexual, and/or online abuse (see Child and Young Person Safeguarding Policy for further details).

If you have experienced abuse, exploitation, harm, or neglect from anyone on the WD2023 Virtual Conference platform, take action to remove yourself from harm. Then once safe, if you are comfortable, report the abuse immediately by writing to safeguarding@womendeliver.org. This email address is being monitored regularly and Women Deliver will take appropriate action in a timely manner in response to all reports.

What is considered abuse, exploitation, harm, or neglect?

  • Abuse is any behavior that results in actual or potential detrimental effect or harm to a child or young person’s health, wellbeing, survival, development, or dignity. Abuse can be economic, emotional, online, physical, or sexual.
  • Exploitation is any situation in which someone takes advantage of unequal power or status for profit or gain.
  • Harm is any detrimental effect on someone’s physical, psychological, or emotional wellbeing.
  • Neglect is a persistent failure to meet someone’s basic physical or psychological needs, resulting in actual or potential harm.

For more information on safeguarding for young people, please see Women Deliver’s Safeguarding Guide for Youth.