Virtual Conference Registration

The Asterisk (*) indicates required questions

To register for WD2023 ONSITE CONFERENCE, please click here

Country Income Classification:
High-Income Country: If you hold a passport from a high-income country and/or reside in a high-income country

Low- to Middle-Income Country: If you hold a passport from a low-or-middle-income country AND reside in a low-or-middle-income country

Click here to access the country income classification

Prefer not to say
Other, specify
Cisgender Woman
Cisgender Man
Transgender Woman
Transgender Man
Non-Binary/Gender nonconforming/Genderqueer
Ethnic, radical or religious group
Indigenous person
Informalized worker(s)
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer, Questioning, Asexual +
Living in a rural area
Migrant or in migration
Person with a disability/disabled person
Person living in a humanitarian or crisis setting
Refugee or displaced person
Undocumented and/or stateless
Other; specify

If you are under 18, please complete the following information.

Arts/Creative Expression
Care Economy/Unpaid Care
Climate Action
Communicable diseases
Crisis & Humanitarian Assistance
Digital Rights
Disability Rights
Economic Justice & Rights
Faith and Religion
Gender-Based Violence & Harmful Practices
Gender Equality
Gender Financing
Health Systems/ Universal Health Coverage
Health Workforce
Human Rights
Infrastructure, including water & sanitation
Labor Rights
Land Rights
Maternal, Newborn, Child Health
Mental Health
Noncommunicable disseases
Nutrition/ Food Security
Racial Justice
Sexual & Reproductive Health & Rights/ Bodily Autonomy
Sex Worker Rights
Social Justice
Social Protection
Women in Politics and Decision-Making
Youth Engagement/ Leadership

London, 2007
Washington, D.C., 2010
Kuala Lumpur, 2013
Copenhagen, 2016
Vancouver, 2019

Donations make it possible for us to bring even more people to WD2023 who would otherwise be unable to attend. Your generous support will help make the Conference even more accessible to people from all backgrounds, geographies, and ages. All donors will receive a receipt recognizing their contribution.

Amount: 0

Discount: 0

Total Amount: 0